July 06, 2002

Politically Incorrect.

The television show Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher has ended its run. A repeat of the final show from the previous week just occurred. Too bad -- it and Nightline just before it were the only two network television shows I made a point to watch regularly.

I've been a fan of the show from the days when it aired on Comedy Central and even went to see the show in person when it was taped in New York City. It's amusing to me that apparently it got canned for being too controversial. Although it did present some viewpoints not usually mentioned elsewhere in the mass media, I still thought Bill and his guests were quite mainstream. Hopefully the thoughts I write about in these pages will be a bit more politically incorrect.

As an example, in my opinion probably the most politically correct viewpoint put forth by Mr. Maher on his show was that the Vietnam war was necessary because it stopped the spread of communism. First of all Vietnam was a civil war and had little to do with global communism. But more importantly, we lost that war and it weakened us for fighting future wars; if anything it made it easier for communism to spread. The fact that it didn't proves that at that time global communism wasn't the threat it was made out to be.

Posted by mjm at July 6, 2002 01:21 AM

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