09/13/2002 11:48:34 AM


I hear the word evil mentioned a lot these days. The 9/11 terrorists who hijacked airplanes in order to crash them into buildings and kill thousands of innocent individuals are called evil. And now everyone is calling Saddam Hussein an evil man. The PBS program Frontline did a program to commemorate the first anniversary of 9/11 Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero concerning the questions "What did we see on September 11? Was it Evil?"

What I find most interesting about this is that evil always refers to what others do. Why was there no mention in the Frontline program that the Arab terrorists see us as evil? Were the Medieval Crusades and Pope Urban II evil? Was the United States evil when it dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima? It sometimes seems tricky to me to ascertain what is a "war" and what types of killing are evil depending on whether or not they are done during wartime. Was what we did to the American Indians in this country evil? Then there are our well known peacetime atrocities like The Tuskegee Syphilis Study where 200 black men were not told they had syphilis so they could be used as human guinea pigs to study the disease. and the CIA MKULTRA program where unwitting human subjects were given psychoactive drugs in illegal human experimentation. More recently President Clinton "mistakenly" bombed a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan and we don't even know how many were killed because we would not let the UN investigate. I would like to ask George Bush if he thinks a fundamentalist Christian who kills people while blowing up an abortion clinic is evil.

I am afraid that in order to stop the evil done against us that we will have to stop doing evil ourselves. But I don't see that happening. Actually I don't even see the world as "good" versus "evil". I see criminal acts committed by human beings to futher their (often religious) agenda. When a lion mercilessly kills an antelope is that "good" or "evil"? These are just some thoughts I don't hear discussed in the media. I'm not sure about my opinions though.

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