05/13/2008 12:09:27 PM

Antonin Scalia

The Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was on CBS' 60 Minutes April 27, 2008. How can someone who is suppose to have a brilliant mind say so many dumb and wrong things? For example, when asked by Lesley Stahl about torture Scalia said:
Although defining it is going to be a nice trick. But who's in favor of it? Nobody.
Firstly, it has been clearly defined by the World Court and secondly if you listen to Fox News, you'll hear many people who are in favor of it. And then he followed it up with perhaps his dumbest statement:
Has anybody ever referred to torture as punishment? I don't think so.
How about this: if you don't give me the information you have I will punish you by inflicting severe pain (aka torture) until you do.

I think the problem is related to the fact that unlike in science, subjects like religion, philosophy, and law are not testable. You can can say anything and if you are backed into a corner you can reply as Scalia did "Anyway, that's my view and it happens to be correct".

It is scary having such an irrational person (who thinks he is rational) making decisions for the whole country.

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