Sun Oct 7 01:28:27 EDT 2012

Truths and Lies on the Internet

There is a lot of information on the WWW and it is a problem knowing what is true and what is false. Here are some relatively new attempts to tackle the problem:
  • Truth Finding on the Deep Web
    Resolving conflicting information over a set of data sources.

    Proposed distributed, open-source platform for the collaborative evaluation of information on the Internet.

  • Truth Goggles
    A first attempt at creating a credibility layer for the Internet.

And here are a couple of old standbys for fact checking statements on the Internet and elsewhere:
    The definitive source for all sorts of misinformation on the internet, including a nice search facility.

  • PolitiFact
    Sorting out the truth in politics (with the Truth-O-Meter).

    Project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics.

Posted by mjm | Permanent link | Comments
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