February 2014 Archives

Fri Feb 28 11:26:05 EST 2014

Items of Interest

Some web links I found to be of interest:

  • New Poll Shows That Americans Are Losing Faith In God
    Business Insider

    A new Harris Poll released today reveals that only 74% of Americans believe in God, an 8% decline since 2009.

  • Why Have No High-Level Executives Been Prosecuted?
    The New York Review of Books

    I want to stress again that I do not claim that the financial crisis that is still causing so many of us so much pain and despondency was the product, in whole or in part, of fraudulent misconduct. But if it was-as various governmental authorities have asserted it was - then the failure of the government to bring to justice those responsible for such colossal fraud bespeaks weaknesses in our prosecutorial system that need to be addressed.

  • Why won't the President rein in the intelligence community?
    The New Yorker: State of Deception

    Wyden, who said that he has had "several spirited discussions" with Obama, is not optimistic. "It really seems like General Clapper, the intelligence leadership, and the lawyers drive this in terms of how decisions get made at the White House," he told me. It is evident from the Snowden leaks that Obama inherited a regime of dragnet surveillance that often operated outside the law and raised serious constitutional questions. Instead of shutting down or scaling back the programs, Obama has worked to bring them into narrow compliance with rules-set forth by a court that operates in secret-that often contradict the views on surveillance that he strongly expressed when he was a senator and a Presidential candidate.

  • Who's good at forecasts?
    Philip Tetlock and Advanced Research Projects Activity forecasting tournaments.

    The only reliable method is to conduct a forecasting tournament in which independent judges ask all participants to make the same forecasts in the same timeframes. And forecasts must be expressed numerically, so there can be no hiding behind vague verbiage. Words like "may" or "possible" can mean anything from probabilities as low as 0.001% to as high as 60% or 70%. But 80% always and only means 80%

  • Criticism of Malcolm Gladwell

    The Gladwell pivot
    Commentary on the chapter about dyslexia in Malcolm Gladwell's book David and Goliath

    The gripe about Gladwell is his selective use of such information-not letting facts get in the way of a good story. A different story, certainly a more nuanced one, would result if other studies, other personal narratives, other experts had been considered. The average reader is not aware of what has been left out and thus can be easily mislead. His selective use of the research literature turns scientific findings into another form of anecdote. This is particularly bothersome to scientists whose own first commandment is something like: thou shalt address all relevant evidence, not merely the findings that support the most interesting, attention-getting hypothesis.

    Malcolm Gladwell Is America's Best-Paid Fairy-Tale Writer

    But the mix of moralism and scientism is an ever-winning formula, as Gladwell's career demonstrates. Speaking to a time that prides itself on optimism and secretly suspects that nothing works, his books are analgesics for those who seek temporary relief from abiding anxiety. There is more of reality and wisdom in a Chinese fortune cookie than can be found anywhere in Gladwell's pages. But then, it is not reality or wisdom that his readers are looking for.

  • Change Blindness
    PBS NOVA Video Blog

    Your brain really doesn't remember the things it sees very well. While it might capture certain aspects of the world, it mostly discards the information it processes.

  • Why Not Immortality?
    Communications of the ACM

    "Biological systems fail because at some point it's cheaper to make new ones." This is nature's form of cost-benefit analysis. Optimal design balances the marginal benefit of investing in the old versus investing in the new.

  • Eldercare Sourcebook

    Award-winning research site for professionals and family members looking for information on aging, eldercare, and long term care, including information on legal, financial, medical, and housing issues, policy, research, and statistics.

  • 18 Signs Economists Haven't the Foggiest
    Unlearning Economics: Criticism of mainstream economists and economics.

    ... outlining the major reasons why economists can be completely out of touch with their public image, as well as how they should do "science", and why their discipline is so ripe for criticism (most of which they are unaware of).

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