Tue Nov 19 16:56:49 EST 2019

Understanding Probability

Some links related to understanding and estimating probabilities.

  • The Sleeping Beauty Problem

    Nice video explanation from Julia Galef of the philosophical Sleeping Beauty problem.

    For more information see the description in Quanta Magazine

  • Hey-guess what? There really is a hot hand!

    Refers to analysis of streakiness in basketball shooting.

    We find a subtle but substantial bias in a standard measure of the conditional dependence of present outcomes on streaks of past outcomes in sequential data. The mechanism is driven by a form of selection bias, which leads to an underestimate of the true conditional probability of a given outcome when conditioning on prior outcomes of the same kind. The biased measure has been used prominently in the literature that investigates incorrect beliefs in sequential decision making - most notably the Gambler's Fallacy and the Hot Hand Fallacy. Upon correcting for the bias, the conclusions of some prominent studies in the literature are reversed. The bias also provides a structural explanation of why the belief in the law of small numbers persists, as repeated experience with finite sequences can only reinforce these beliefs, on average.

  • Simpson's Paradox

    Simpson's paradox occurs when groups of data show one particular trend, but this trend is reversed when the groups are combined together.

    For example you and a friend do problems and your friend does better each day but that doesn't mean the friend does better when the two days are combined:

    Day You Friend
    Saturday 78 = 87.5% 22 = 100%
    Sunday 12 = 50% 58 = 62.5%
    Total 810 = 80% 710 = 70%

  • Replication Markets

    Predict which social and behavioral science studies will replicate and win cash prizes.

    1. Predict social and behavioral science results.
    2. Help improve scientific research methods.
    3. Earn rewards for your insights.

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