03/13/2003 12:36:16 PM

Hitchens Iraqi illogic.

In his online Slate column of March 10, 2003 Pious Nonsense Christopher Hitchens says:
Speaking of casuistry, Carter helpfully added that "American efforts to tie Iraq to the 9/11 terrorist attacks have been unconvincing." This might be narrowly true, with respect of the planning of the last attacks and given the use of the weak word "unconvincing." But the same day's New York Times carried a report with persuasive evidence of a substantial number of Bin-Ladenists on Iraqi soil
Mr. Hitchens, Carter was playing it safe; there is NO evidence tieing Iraq to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and in fact as previously reported here there is evidence to the contrary. Furthermore, there is also "persuasive evidence" of Bin-Ladenists on United States soil (and before 9/11 too). Does that mean we should invade ourselves?

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