03/13/2003 11:56:00 PM

Richard Perle.

On Kudlow & Cramer on CNBC this evening, they interviewed Richard Perle, the chairman of the Defense Policy Board, noted Iraqi war hawk, and presidential advisor. They asked him the usual softball questions and amazingly did not even mention the article by Seymour Hersh in the current issue of The New Yorker about Perle's meeting with some Saudi businessmen and possible conflicts of interest and the fact that Perle plans on suing Hersh.

I don't know whether Perle or Hersh is right, but why was this hot topic not even brought up. My only guess is that Perle agreed to come on the show only on condition they not ask him about it. If so, both Kudlow and Cramer should be ashamed of themselves.

Addendum March 27, 2003. It's beginning to look like Seymour Hersh is right. Today Richard Perle resigned as chairman of the Defense Policy Board because of the reported business dealings that raise ethical questions. Reports in the New York Times and the Washington Post. Also Arianna Huffington's March 26, 2003 column covers Richard Perle's conflicts of interest.

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