It is pretty hard to find decent coverage of Netanyahu's address
to Congress from conventional reports in newspapers or
on radio or television.
As usual for some good coverage see how Jon Stewart
covered it on The Daily Show,
Netanyahu has made a career out of crusading against Iran. In 1992,
as a member of parliament, he predicted that Iran was three to
five years away from producing a nuclear weapon, and appealed for
its program to be "uprooted by an international front headed by
the U.S." He cited the same time frame three years later, in his
book "Fighting Terrorism."
Netanyahu has long supported American military intervention. In
2002, he testified before Congress in favor of invading Iraq, and
predicted that ousting Saddam Hussein would have "enormous positive
reverberations on the region" and ripen Iran for revolt against
the theocracy. "It's not a question of whether you'd like to see
a regime change in Iran but how to achieve it," he said. Today,
Iran holds more sway over Iraq than any other country.
What are the odd of someone like Charlie Rose,
who gets to interview Netanyahu,
ever asking him about his past comments and poor record of predictions?