Wed May 25 22:25:40 EDT 2022

Health Related

Some recent health related items.

  • 'Good' cholesterol may protect brain from Alzheimer's disease

    Higher levels of "good" cholesterol in the fluid surrounding your brain and spinal cord may help protect you from Alzheimer's disease, a new study suggests.
    The study linked a higher number of small HDL particles in cerebrospinal fluid with two key indicators that they might protect against Alzheimer's.

  • 7,000 steps can save your life

    Stunning stat: Mortality risk was reduced by 50% for older adults who increased their daily steps from around 3,000 to around 7,000, according to new medical research.
    Between the lines: "It's not an all or nothing situation," says Paluch. Even just boosting daily step count to 5,000 - for 60 and older - and 7,000 - for younger folks - slashed mortality risk by 40%.

  • COVID Kills Three to Six Times More Republicans According to NPR Study

    COVID-related American death data shows dramatic differences between Republican and Democratic counties, with the reddest tenth of the nation in October chalking up a death rate six times higher than that of the bluest tenth.
    Of 800,000 American COVID deaths, at least 179,400 more Republicans than Democrats have died. Was it FOX, Trump, or something else?

  • Why the WHO took two years to say COVID is airborne

    The organization says that initial guidance covered airborne precautions in health-care settings, but notes that: "As the evidence on the transmission of COVID-19 has expanded, we have learnt that smaller-sized infectious particles known as aerosols also play a role in transmission in community settings, and WHO has adapted its guidance and messages to reflect this in the December 2020 update to our mask guidance."
    Part of the problem was how emphatic the WHO was at the beginning of the pandemic, says Heidi Tworek, a historian and public-policy specialist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. "To say that COVID was definitively not airborne unfortunately meant there was a massive hill to climb to undo that," she says. Right from the beginning, the WHO and other public-health authorities and governments should have emphasized that SARS-CoV-2 was a new coronavirus, and that guidelines would inevitably change, she says. "And when they do, it's a good thing because it means we know more."

  • Employee's Panic Attacks From Surprise Birthday Party Prompt $450K Award

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